Research, Publications & Clinical Trials
Your Health is in Good Hands
Development of the ‘People-Processes-Paradigm’ critical analysis tool for Mortality & Morbidity Reviews- improving understanding of systems factors, Salindera S, Brennan M E. Accepted for publication April 2nd, 2020 ANZ Journal of surgery. DOI:10.1111/ans.15919
Measuring the Quality of Breast Surgery in Australia & New Zealand: how do we rate? Salindera S, Economides K, Spillane A, published online 30th January 2020, The Breast.
Verbal presentation RACS ASC 2019; poster presentation London Breast Meeting 2019 and ASBD 2019.
Incidence of Invasive Recurrence in DCIS>5cm treated with skin sparring and nipple sparring mastectomy: the Australian Experience, Salindera S, Snook K, Hoffman J, Spillane A The Breast 50 (2020) 153e161 / Abstracts
Use of intra-operative imaging to reduce re-excision rates following hookwire localized excision of breast cancer: A single centre, Regional Experience. Parikh R, Salindera S, Ross W accepted verbal presentation RACS ASC 2020 Abstrat ID 1859
Survival outcomes are poorer amongst breast cancer patients who decline recommended treatment: a propensity score-matched analysis, Shingde, R, Salindera S, Aherne N, Millard-Newton L, Sanderson E, Ross W, accepted RACS ASC 2020 verbal presentation Abstract ID 1863
NSQIP: Post-implementation evaluation of a surgical site infection prevention bundle in Breast Surgery, Kim TJ, Parikh R, Millard-Newton L, Fowler A, Badhni L, Homan B, Dawadi AS, Salindera S, Ross W, accepted poster presentation RACS ASC 2020.
Early experience introducing oncoplastic surgery to a regional centre, Parikh R, Ross W, Salindera S, accepted poster presentation RACS ASC 2020, abstract ID 2595
Incidence of Invasive Recurrence in DCIS>5cm treated with skin sparring and nipple sparring mastectomy: the Australian Experience, Salindera S, Snook K, Hoffman J, Spillane A, verbal presentation RACS ASC 2019.
Measuring the Quality of Breast Surgery in Australia & New Zealand: how do we rate? Salindera S, Ofri A, Economides K, Spillane A, Verbal presentation RACS ASC 2019.
Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis with Erythema Nodosum: A Case Report & Review of the Literature, Aitchison L, Salindera S, Snook, K, Poster Presentation RACS ASC 2019.
Post-surgery pyoderma gangrenosum of the breast: a diagnostic dilemma? Solis E, Salindera S, Kanesalingam K, Elder E, accepted for publication ANZ Journal of Surgery 2019.
Quality in Rural Surgery, Salindera S, Invited presentation RACS ASC 2019
Development of critical analysis tool for use in surgical mortality and morbidity reviews: improving understanding of systems based factors contributing to adverse outcomes in patient care, Salidnera S, Verbal presentation RACS ASC 2019
How to Recruit & Train Rural Specialists, Salindera S, Verbal presentation RACS ASC 2019
Exploring the geder inequity in surgery-Exposing the gender pay gap, Salindera S, Toussel A, Garcia C, Janakiramanan N, Poster presentation RACS ASC 2019
The Younger Rural Surgeon-Salindera S, Invited presentation at Provincial Surgeons Association Scientific Meeting 2018
Revealing the Hidden Curriculum- Socialization & Surgical Education, Salindera S, Presentation at RACS ASC 2018
Unemployment or Underemployment: Perspective from Rural Surgery, Salindera S, Invited paper at RACS ASC 2018
Pec I & II blocks: regional anaesthesia for mastectomy in a regional centre, Drs Salindera S, Suen A, Wong K & Ross W, Poster at RACS ASC 2018
Digitilization of Mortality & Morbidity Audit- Introducing Online Medical Record Interface & Key Perforamnce Indicators to Improve Quality in a Regional Centre, Dr S Salindera & Mr J Roche, Poster at RACS ASC 2018
Clinicopathological factors influencing re-excision rates following hook wire localised excision of breast cancer: A single centre, Regional Experience. Drs Sarkar A, Salindera S, & Ross W, Poster at RACS ASC 2018
Emergency laparotomy: A regional experience, Drs Lansom J, Mortimer J & Salindera S, Presentation at RACS ASC 2018
Evaluating the management of lower gastrointestinal bleeding- a retrospective study, Salindera S, Gandy R, Myint M, Toh J, Truskett P, Prince of Wales Hospital-Poster at RACS ASC 2016.
An unusual cause of bilateral lower limb pitting oedema – Crohn’s septal panniculitis diagnostic of erythema nodosum” Drs S Salindera, J Toh, M Sarofim, H Patapanian, C Turner, ANZ Journal of Surgery, accepted Jan 2016- accessible online.
Patient Focused Outcomes Measurement- How Australia can Adopt a Global Approach, Drs S Salindera, T Pelly, N Soderlund, Health Outcomes Australia-Poster at RACS ASC 2016.
Perspective of an Advanced Trainee- Outreach Surgery- What are the Boundaries? Salindera, S, Presentation at RACS ASC 2016
Mercy Ships Lessons from the Developing World for Rural Health, Salindera, S, Presentation at Provincial Surgeons Association ASC 2015
Mercy Ships, Salindera S, Surgical News, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Sept 2015
Perceptions of Clinical Supervision Levels of Junior Medical Officers in NSW/ACT, Salindera S, Thomas R, Sumpton D, Ballin A, Nagpal R, Chigwidden P, Day K, Health Education & Training Institute 2011.
Audit of the Ascites Management Protocol at Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders University, S. Salindera 2009
Provision of multidisciplinary paediatric services in the Riverland, Flinders University, S. Salindera, E. Trebilcock, C. Larkin, D. Deavers, 2007.